Dextraglove is an arthritis support system designed to aid in eating activities and daily life. The system consists of a comfortable glove and utensil inserts to steady the hand.

By looking at what was on the market, I could build a picture of which style cues and materiality were appropriate.

I worked with a graduate occupational therapy student who was able to show me some orthotics at the Philadelphia University Occupational Therapy Department. We worked out which closure methods were most comfortable, and which solutions best fit the needs of our client.

Initial sketches and prototypes led to a cotton glove lined with neoprene, styrene inserts providing support throughout the day.

With the utensil inserts, the pressure is increased on the supports. This allows the hand to be stabilized while eating, and lending mobility and dignity to the user.

Clay model utensils offered insight into the utensil design. These differ from traditional tableware by a lengthened stem, stabilizing bump, and a rounded, deeper spoon.

The final model is functional, and is in use today.
Dextraglove aims to add stability and style to a basic function for some, but not all.