The Watson started out with planar form exploration, playing with the structural qualities of cardstock. I was drawn to scoring the material, which added strength and allowed it to be manipulated in organic ways.

The organic shadows catch light in interesting ways, so I expanded on this to experiment different scoring sizes. This allowed the shape to take chair-like form, and an opportunity to make this become very comfortable.

The complex curves of the final design allowed for a slight bend in the seat, allowing for a slight give when the Watson is used. This finished piece aims to take the swooping, organic nature of the initial explorations and combine them with ergonomic and manufacturing considerations.

In the making of the final model, polystyrene was used because of its light weight and superior strength. The Watson is a recliner, bending to as much as 14 inches when used.

Watson was inspired by folding leaves and strong connections, making it a neat and comfy piece for any interior.