Initially, I was drawn to the unique properties of paper, and how this could be used to diffuse light. I drew inspiration from traditional origami techniques, and how inflation can add to that tactile, fun experience.

These balloon iterations were to explore the material and sealing techniques. Tyvek is not only recyclable, but when heated, creates an airtight seal that replicates the effect seen in latex. Ultrasonic welding provides a strong seal that will withstand most daily wear. This makes manufacturing Lumigami a simple process, made of one material and one technique.

Utilizing origami techniques, these traditional patterns were modified to diffuse light throughout the balloon. Through subsequent iteration, the light’s intensity grew through removing specific shapes, letting the light shine.

These are benchmarks to determine the success and price range of other products in the market, and how solar technology is being implemented into many different fields.

Clean, muted packaging provides a contrast to other children's products, and offers an idea of what’s inside. This packaging minimizes the amount of folds needed for manufacturing, and positions the solar cell at the bottom for a smaller footprint and more stability.